A Plenary Indulgence

I know I’ve already blogged on this once before, but I just read the full text of the papal declaration, at the Vatican’s web site. It bums me out. Just when some begin to hope that maybe, just maybe, this papacy might represent a definite turn away from the traditional errors of Rome, this is what we get. Some things never change, I guess.

Link: A Plenary Indulgence 8 December Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Dr. Kurt Marquart

Please remember in your prayers my dear friend and father in the faith, The Rev. Dr. Kurt Marquart, who has learned he has ALS disease. For quite some time he and his dear wife Barbara have been searching for answers to continuing medical problems Kurt has been facing. A recent trip to the Cleveland Clinic provided answers, but answers none of us ever would have wanted to receive.

Top Ten Used Book Searches in 2005

For many years I’ve tried to keep this web site a secret. For, you see, this is the place where I buy most of my books these days. Yes, so great is my bibliophilia that I simply must replace all paperbacks with the original hard back editions, where possible And so, I’ve been hesitant to mention www.bookfinder.com for it is the greatest used book site on the Internet. Here is an interesting blog post they put up recently, on the top ten used book searches in 2005.

Link: BookFinder.com Journal: Top 10 out of print books of 2005.

The Pope’s Santa Hat

The traditional hat, known as a camauro, was commonly worn by popes in
the medieval period to keep their heads warm on cold days and it
featured on many paintings at the time, but it has rarely been worn in
modern times. Various reports have taken note of how this pope is using once again various items of papal clothing not used for many decades. Read more about this here.

Link: Scotsman.com News – International – Pope caps audience with his ‘Santa hat’.

Alternative Video Games

Alternative Christian video games….what do you think? I am entirely convinced that video gaming is by no means a “value neutral” activity. The games that are, literally, awash with gore and mayhem do inculcate a value system in those who play them. They are entirely engrossing and mesmerizing. They draw the player into an alternate reality and when that reality is antithetical to the Faith that is indeed a problem. Is this a solution? I have mixed feelings. But…to all you parents out there who might not be familiar with how degraded many video games are wake up and pay attention.

Link: News 8 :: KFMB Stations, San Diego, California.